In among all this fun and chaos there's a storyline of sorts. It is designed to be an entertaining game first and foremost, after all. It then goes one step further by making mainline gas pipes hackable, resulting in giant explosions traffic lights are manipulatable (with guaranteed traffic accidents each and every time) and much more besides when levelling-up and choosing new abilities.

The game plays on today's modern - and very real - fears of data and identity theft. Everyone is a target: intercept phone calls or SMS, hack bank accounts, take remote control of cars. Not only is there a huge cityscape and coastline to explore, there's also a virtual, hackable shadow of that too (pressing the right stick will bring up this view). Watch Dogs 2 is ambitious in its scope and, crucially, delivers a unique selling point: hacking. Many have tried to emulate its success in various forms, but few have succeeded. Grand Theft Auto has ruled the roost for many years with its grandiose and often hilarious take on reality. Let's face it, open-world games are ten a penny these days. Is that a cocktail for brilliance, or an ill-advised shooter of bullshit? What is Watch Dogs 2 about?
Bye, bye leathers.Ĭue an African American lead, Marcus Holloway, a motley crew of hacktavists, aka Dedsec (who look like they've fallen out of a US TV show's rejects bin), and Watch Dogs 2 feels like the development team has taken the original game's hacking base, added a double dash of Mr Robot and firmly shaken it with GTA: San Andreas. It also ditches Pearce's leathers and the drab Chicago backdrop for some bright pink shorts and the sunnier, unpredictable climes of tech-landscape San Francisco. The sequel has largely avoided the hype machine, as it was unveiled just five short months prior to its public release. Watch Dogs 2's introduction has been different. Indeed, people generally flipped out more about that coat than the actual game when it arrived in 2014.
It was the hint that current-gen PS4 and Xbox One consoles were on their way before they were even here. (Pocket-lint) - Remember Aiden Pearce's trench coat in the original Watch Dogs? People flipped out about the lead protagonist's leathers when the game was first announced back in 2012 - its subtle movement in the wind, the O-M-G textures.